You’re Not Broken: Break free from trauma and reclaim your life Free Audiobook Download by Sarah Woodhouse

Someone who has experienced trauma can be stuck in a life of low self-esteem and depression. The person may feel like they're broken, that their past will always shape them into someone less than ideal. But by understanding the impact trauma has had on their life, it's possible to break free of the pain that can hold you back and instead focus on reclaiming your life.

For too long, society has told us what we can and cannot do. It’s time to break free from these harmful beliefs. Sarah Woodhouse lost her baby daughter at 10 weeks when she was 20 years old. She survived the trauma of losing her child by learning how to be resilient, making peace with the loss, and starting a nonprofit organization to support women who have suffered similar losses.

In the book, Sarah Woodhouse shares her struggles with mental illness and addiction. It is a guide for those who are struggling with the same issues, showing their readers it is possible to break free from trauma and reclaim their lives.

This book is about hope. It talks about how we can break free from the trauma and pain that surrounds us, and it even offers a way to reclaim your life. There are some useful exercises in this book for those who find their lives lacking because of the trauma they have experienced.

If you feel like something is holding you back from being all that you can be, then this book will help to provide clarity and perspective. On a very basic level, this book helps readers break the cycles of trauma and reclaim their lives.

Psychological trauma is the result of a series of events that affect a person's mind, body, and spirit. The author dives into her personal trauma that left her feeling broken and incapable of being happy. She found peace in breaking free from these circumstances and reclaiming her life. By speaking about this, she hopes to help others find their own peace as well.

Published Date 2021-03-30
Duration 6 hours 34 minutes
Author Sarah Woodhouse
Narrated Sarah Woodhouse
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Psychology

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