Working with Difficult People, Second Revised Edition: Handling the Ten Types of Problem People Without Losing Your Mind Free Audiobook Download by Amy Cooper Hakim,Muriel Solomon

"These people are a nightmare. They don't understand, they won't change, they just keep on coming back with their antics — from the secretary who has a temper tantrum because she can't find her stapler to the man in the cubicle next to you who never takes a break and is always playing his iPod loudly." This is an introduction to 10 different types of difficult people that often serve as hindrance in work environments. The author includes anecdotes from her own experiences and strategies for handling these difficult people. Sometimes it helps to have tools like this at hand when dealing with challenging co-workers or bosses.

If you find yourself in a leadership role with difficult people, this book offers practical advice on how to work with them effectively. Karen Saltus uses real-life examples and cases studies of situations where she has had to deal with different types of difficult people, such as bullies, divas, and narcissists. She provides strategies for dealing with these people without losing your mind or becoming the one who's being treated badly.

In this book, author Amy Cooper Hakim Muriel Solomon offers readers 10 ways to deal with difficult characters. These range from the aggressive to the passive-aggressive and everything in between. Readers will gain insights into how these traits work - as well as learn how to prevent themselves from becoming overwhelmed or resentful of difficult people.

One of the toughest jobs that we have is working with difficult people. In this book, Amy Cooper-Hakim uses first-person stories and tools to help those that work in challenging environments such as customer service reps, educators, physicians, or salespeople. She also covers ten different types of problem people that can make or break your day. You'll learn how to understand their mindset and ability to unleash your own power for a happier and more peaceful workday.

This is a very refreshing book because it is written by a woman who has been in the corporate world for over fifteen years and has seen many different types of difficult people. It’s not just an academic book, but one written from a practical standpoint. The author gives clear examples of challenging people that are likely to be found in the workplace with some language for how to approach these situations. A lot of these examples have come from her personal experiences and she does share about her own personal struggles with dealing with difficult people.

If you're feeling like you're just not cut out for the workplace, it's not necessarily because you aren't good at your job - it's because working with people can be really hard. Not everyone who works in the office is a joy to be around. For example, some people are overly critical, others are passive aggressive, some might seem to have low intelligence or an inflated sense of self-worth, and there are all kinds of other types of difficult people that can make work at your place of employment difficult. You need someone who can help deal with these difficult people without losing their mind. This book will teach you how to do just that!

Published Date 2017-02-01
Duration 7 hours 56 minutes
Author Amy Cooper Hakim, Muriel Solomon
Narrated Karen Saltus
(50 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, HR & Office Administration, Career Development

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