Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity Free Audiobook Download by Julia Serano
This audiobook provides an engaging and personal perspective on Julia Serano's often-quoted book, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. Julia Serano is a transsexual woman who came to public awareness after writing the controversial article, 'Exposing the Feminist Myths About Sex' in Psychology Today.
"The world has a strange view of femininity and masculinity," writes Julia Serano, "one in which femininity is considered strictly subordinate to masculinity." Within this framework, she argues, masculinity is feted as supreme while at the same time it is under constant assault. The book aims to explain how this disconnect between what the world tells us about what is masculine and feminine can play out in society.
Julia Serano wrote a book, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. This was an interesting audiobook for me to listen to because it addresses questions about gender and masculinity without a doubt, but also discusses transgenderism in general.
"Julia Serano is a queer trans woman who has spent years thinking and writing about the intersections of gender and transgenderism. In Whipping Girl, she offers an illuminating analysis of how sexism and misogyny play out in society as well as within our own minds."
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity is a philosophical text that digs into the causes, nature, and effects of discrimination against trans people. It explores transphobia and sexism in equal parts through personal narrative and theory throughout the book. Serano examines how certain expectations of femininity are both socially constructed and oppressive to cisgender women, as well as cisgender men and transsexual women. The author provides an alternative to this conventional feminist perspective by showing how "feminine" can be empowering rather than oppressive, while also examining how marginalized identity groups utilize these stereotypes to their own advantage.
Julia Serano is an author, speaker and advocate for transgender rights. As a transsexual woman, she is well-equipped to speak on the issue of sexism in society as it affects women, particularly transwomen. In this book, she lays out her thoughts on modern feminism and how it leaves transwomen out of the discussion. Citing sex-essentialism (the idea that gender is like a light switch-- male or female) she says that "feminism has become a movement for some types of women but not all." She also talks about how femininity is often equated with weakness, which makes it difficult for many female transgenders to be taken seriously by both men and women.
Published Date | 2016-10-25 |
Duration | 11 hours 37 minutes |
Author | Julia Serano |
Narrated | Julia Serano |
Reviews | |
Abridged | No |
Is It Free? | 30-days Free |
Category | Non-Fiction |
Parent Category | Social Science, Psychology |