Transgender History, second edition: The Roots of Today's Revolution Free Audiobook Download by Susan Stryker

Transgender History, second edition: The Roots of Today's Revolution is the most comprehensive and well-researched book on the history of transgender people. With over 700 pages, it includes profiles of important transgender figures, the evolution of LGBT identity in America, and more.

Transgender History popularly known as the 'T' word is seen as a threat to the social order, a category of identity that threatens the stability of institutions that have long been able to define what counts as normal. Transgender history is only just beginning to take shape in this era of transgender visibility and activism, but its roots come from an ongoing struggle for gender equality.

Transgender history is uniquely diverse. It is a history of people and ideas that encompasses everything from sex to gender theory, politics, and popular culture. In this audiobook, you will discover the transgender experience through first-person accounts and archival materials relating to key moments in the movement's rich past.

Transgender History, second edition: The Roots of Today's Revolution is a historical overview of the transgender movement in America. It covers the history of trans people from colonial times to today and analyzes how the social, political, and medical community have handled this issue.

Transgender History, second edition: The Roots of Today's Revolution is a groundbreaking revision of the history of transgenderism. Susan Stryker's account has been published in both print and audiobook form. This version was an abridgment narrated by the author herself, giving it a personal touch while keeping it accessible to all readers.

Transgender History, second edition: The Roots of Today's Revolution, written by Susan Stryker published by Beacon Press and narrated by [Emily Cauldwell], is a concise history of the transgender movement. In this audiobook, the author explores various forms of transgenderism throughout history, the Western shift in gender norms during the 18th century due to Enlightenment ideals, and modern day support for transgender people.

Published Date 2017-11-07
Duration 7 hours 50 minutes
Author Susan Stryker
Narrated Emily Cauldwell
(3 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science

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