There Plant Eyes: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness Free Audiobook Download by M. Leona Godin

It is a personal and cultural history of blindness. It begins in the Middle Ages, where those who were blind were considered separate from the rest of society. It then goes back to ancient times, and touches on various topics such as eyesight, gender roles, and personal identity. This book is one that people should read at different points in their lives because it will help to show them many different things about themselves personally and culturally.

There Plant Eyes is a personal and cultural history of blindness that takes us on a journey through time and explores the unique and often overlooked world of those who have lost their sight as well as those who choose to see differently. The book covers many different aspects of blindness from its historical roots in the ancient world, to the way we perceive it now, to how it has impacted various cultures.

There are many different ways in which we can interpret the notion of sight. This book reveals a personal and cultural history of blindness as seen through the eyes of someone who is blind. The author details her experiences and thoughts about visual impairment, from being used to give children lessons on how to "see" with their hands to that moment when she realized she could hear colors for the first time.

Presented as a personal account of sight loss, There Plant Eyes offers a detailed exploration of the changes in how blindness has been regarded throughout history. Godin provides an account of how being blind has affected the non-disabled and disabled alike. Written by an author who is herself blind, Godin argues that the effects of sight loss have been overstated to such a degree that they have caused us to focus on vision in ways that are not always beneficial.

There Plant Eyes: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness is a deeply personal and engaging exploration of blindness in America.

In the Victorian era, blindness became a way of seeing. But people were not blind of blindness. The shock and fear that came with this ignorance was the beginning of a conversation about what it meant to see and how society could be changed in order to better accommodate those born without eyesight.

Published Date 2021-06-01
Duration 11 hours 7 minutes
Author M. Leona Godin
Narrated M. Leona Godin
(2 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science, General

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