The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding Free Audiobook Download by Teresa Pitman,Diana West,Diane Wiessinger

In her new book, "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding," author Teresa Pitman takes a woman's perspective on the technical, biological, and emotional aspects of breastfeeding.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Teresa Pitman, Diana West, and Diane Wiessinger is a book that provides breastfeeding education for the mom. The authors provide advice about what to expect during pregnancy and for the first few days after birth, as well as detailed information about breastfeeding basics. They also talk about common questions from mothers such as how long to breastfeed, how often to pump milk, and when to introduce solids

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Teresa Pitman Diana West Diane Wiessinger narrates the story of a mother who is educated in the art and practice of breastfeeding her child to help others understand and educate others about breast feeding. She goes on to share some tips that she has learned along the way, such as positioning your baby's head to properly discharge milk from your breasts and using massage techniques as part of your routine.

"The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" is a helpful and informative guide to the process of breastfeeding for new moms. It is written by a variety of authors offering their insight into breastfeeding from the perspective of mother-to-mother, medical professionals, and those with experience in this area. This book is full of encouragement and knowledge.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, written by [Teresa Pitman] is a great resource for all different levels of breastfeeding, from the beginner to the advanced. The book provides a lot of information on the basics of breastfeeding and has concrete practical techniques for achieving success in your breast feeding journey.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding provides information and tips on how to effectively breastfeed your baby. It is a narrative from the perspective of a midwife, as well as a guide for new mothers and their families. Readers will learn about breastfeeding's impact on mother and baby, what common problems to watch out for, and how to get support from other women. Diana West discusses the natural process of nursing her daughter when she was born prematurely--and the benefits it had for mom, baby, and society at large.

Published Date 2016-07-26
Duration 16 hours 22 minutes
Author Teresa Pitman, Diana West, Diane Wiessinger
Narrated Pam Ward
(2 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Marriage & Family, Women's Health

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