The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles Free Audiobook Download by William Irwin,Gregory Bassham

Harry Potter and Philosophy is a fun, thought-provoking, and original reference book by William Irwin Gregory Bassham. The author takes us through an academic exploration of the ideas in each chapter of the Harry Potter series. This book is organized into two sections: Hogwarts for Muggles (for those who have not read any Harry Potter) and Hogwarts for Wizards (for those who have read some or all of the Harry Potter books).

This book presents an overview of the six best-selling Harry Potter novels as well as analyzing their significance in the context of Western philosophy. It also discusses how Rowling's oeuvre can be used to teach students about the work of Plato, Descartes, Hegel and others.

Author William Irwin Gregory Bassham takes the classic Harry Potter series and digs deep into the philosophy of it. This audiobook features readings from famous philosophers, thinkers, and authors alike.

This audiobook presents a thought-provoking discussion of the Harry Potter series and its themes such as love, fear, destiny and death.

This is a book that brings two worlds together-Harry Potter and Philosophy. Author William Irwin Gregory Bassham has created the ultimate Hogwarts for Muggles, with an exploration of how Harry Potter's adventures cross over into philosophy. The work begins with an introduction to the author's reasoning behind writing this book and the process he used to research different philosophical topics. The rest of the book has various essays written by various authors and philosophers who have talked about Harry Potter. If you are a serious student of Philosophy or just enjoy reading this book will be perfect for you!

This book explores how Harry Potter is a great example of a modern-day philosopher. Gregory Bassham's talks about the great virtues and values found in Hogwarts: wisdom, courage, loyalty, happiness and love. He also discusses how Hogwarts is an allegory for both real life and life after death.

Published Date 2020-07-20
Duration 7 hours 55 minutes
Author William Irwin, Gregory Bassham
Narrated Susan Duerden
(7 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Philosophy

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