The Sublime Object of Ideology Free Audiobook Download by Slavoj Zizek

This audiobook is perfect for anyone who wants to listen to the book and enjoy. It has an incredibly clear and concise reading by Christopher Macdonnell that keeps your attention.

The Sublime Object of Ideology by Slavoj Zizek is one of the most important works published by the Slovenian philosopher. The text takes up an analysis of ideology and the material practices that constitute it. It explores several key concepts while examining the way they are practiced in the world at large, including power, truth, religion and violence.

The Sublime Object of Ideology is a philosophical and political text by Slavoj Zizek that criticizes ideology and its place in society. The argument of the book is that what is usually called 'ideology' is not only a medium for social change but also one for a material base. The author targets the ideas of Karl Marx, Freud, Adorno, and Jacques Lacan as ideologies in this text. It argues that these ideologies are not reflective of reality but that they become mechanisms for obscuring it.

In this book, Slavoj Zizek argues that the sublime is not a positive feature of nature but an ideological construct in which we are meant to experience something challenging and beautiful, yet ultimately insignificant.

The Sublime Object of Ideology is a book that has been translated into thirty languages, which offers a historical and philosophical perspective on ideology. The main idea behind this book is that ideology is the primary lens through which we interpret history and reality.

The Sublime Object of Ideology is a book about the political ideologies of the 21st century. The author Slavoj Zizek breaks down how society is divided on many things such as sexuality, gender, and even religion. He starts with some ideas like Freud's idea of 'carcinoma jouissance' or cancer-like pleasure."

Published Date 2021-01-26
Duration 12 hours 21 minutes
Author Slavoj Zizek
Narrated Chris Macdonnell
(3 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Philosophy

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