The Sober Girl Society Handbook: An empowering guide to living hangover free Free Audiobook Download by Millie Gooch

When you feel like there is no way out, when you feel like the world has passed you by and your friends are all gone, it can be overwhelming to find a way to get yourself out of this slump. There was an audiobook called "The Sober Girl Handbook: An Empowering Guide to Living Hangover-Free" that helped the author Millie Gooch move past her personal struggles with drinking. The book broke down different problems and how they could be fixed. It also gave many exercises to overcome feelings of hopelessness.

The Sober Girl Society Handbook teaches women to manage their drinking and live life without a hangover. It was written by Millie Gooch who became a sober alcoholic after 18 years of binge drinking. It's an empowering guide on how to go sober and manage your drinking in a supportive community of other women.

The Sober Girl Society Handbook is an empowering guide to living hangover free. The book's narrator, Millie Gooch, is a sober girl who has been experiencing alcohol detox symptoms, which can include anxiety, depression, and fatigue. She uses humor and her personal story to help the reader understand what it felt like before she was sober. After getting sober she started her website with the same name, which offers resources for those who want to become sober. The book discusses how drinking too much alcohol can create a variety of physical and emotional issues that make it difficult for people in this situation to live normal lives without it. In addition, the book provides advice on how to cope with these issues and explains how it is possible to live a really good life without drinking every day or drinking at all.

The sober society is a site that provides support for women who are trying to drink less. The website has a variety of resources, including journals, advice from people who have been successfully sober for years, and recipes. The book is available in audio format as well as eBook formats.

The Sober Girl Society Handbook is an audiobook download by Millie Gooch that offers advice on how to live your best sober life. The book covers topics like staying sober and avoiding triggers, as well as the basics of managing money and relationships.

The Sober Girl Society Handbook is a guide that can help anyone who has been struggling with alcohol addiction. Millie Gooch takes you through the basics of getting sober and gives you tips for staying sober. You'll learn about preventing hangovers, how your body reacts to alcohol, and how to avoid remaining in old habits.

Published Date 2021-01-14
Duration 7 hours 13 minutes
Author Millie Gooch
Narrated Millie Gooch
(9 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Disorders & Diseases, Cooking, Memoir

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