The Science of Self-Empowerment: Awakening the New Human Story Free Audiobook Download by Gregg Braden

[Gregg Braden] is one of the world's most influential authors and speakers on the power of transformation. In his new book, he takes us on a great journey through the science of self-empowerment using many amazing examples from nature. It's a powerful story that can awaken our personal inner truth to live in our own way without being limited by society's expectation of what we should choose.

Gregg Braden shares his vast knowledge of science and spiritual philosophy with those who are seeking to understand themselves and the world around them in this powerful audiobook.

Now, author Gregg Braden shares the science of how we can awaken the new human story in our lives. We can choose to be self-empowered and discover the secrets to self-healing that are within us, providing an opportunity for personal transformation and healing a broken world.

In Gregg Braden's audiobook download, he discusses the science behind self-empowerment and how to achieve it through meditation.

This audiobook is an easy and quick overview of the science behind self-empowerment, explaining the basic elements needed to achieve a state of higher consciousness. In this book, Gregg Braden explains how through increasing our levels of consciousness we can achieve our goals by directing our own evolution.

Gregg Braden is a biochemist and geneticist who wrote an amazing book about self-empowerment, the science of awakening the new human story. He has an interesting history, having studied under Al Bielek, C.G. Jung, and Russell Targ. His research seeks to expand our view of human potential beyond what we thought was possible or even rational through his groundbreaking work in the fields of epigenetics, nutrigenomics, cellular memory, and spiritual understanding among other areas.

Published Date 2018-10-30
Duration 9 hours 7 minutes
Author Gregg Braden
Narrated Gregg Braden
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Naturopathy & New Age, Mindfulness & Meditation

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