The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction Free Audiobook Download by Jerry Brotton

You may be interested in the Renaissance, but you won't really know what to make of it, where it fits into the history of art, or how it relates to the modern world. Jerry Brotton's short book is an excellent place to start. He explains that the Renaissance was a period beginning in Italy when many artists and intellectual people became more attracted to natural sciences and ancient texts.

The Renaissance was a time of remarkable change in Europe. The Renaissance is usually divided into three distinct periods: the Early Renaissance, the High Renaissance and the Late Renaissance. The Early Renaissance was marked by Italian city states and includes Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s David statues. The High Renaissance saw the rise of humanism as well as the flourishing of art, and landscape design inspired by classical Greece. This period coincided with the ascension of Queen Elizabeth I who commissioned artists to create her portrait gallery in an era when women were expected to be modestly attired.

The Renaissance is a short introduction about the cultural movement in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. The belief in infinite progress was central to the Renaissance, which arose from a desire for the recovery of classical learning and the return to the values of ancient Rome. Jerry Brotton's book uses a wide range of topics such as art, architecture, science, literature, music and society to explore how these different areas of life were influenced by this period.

The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction, by Jerry Brotton is a brief and easy to read overview of the time period that encompasses the birth of modern Europe. It takes only 79 minutes and is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding this period in history.

Jerry Brotton gives a remarkably concise and well-rounded yet deeply provocative introduction to the Renaissance period, one of the most influential periods in history. He discusses how it was not just an artistic movement but also had far-reaching social and cultural effects on how people thought, ate, worked and played.

Published Date 2021-05-25
Duration 4 hours 41 minutes
Author Jerry Brotton
Narrated Suzanne Toren
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Art & Music, Europe

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