The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Free Audiobook Download by Erving Goffman

Erving Goffman is one of the premier social theorists of the 20th century. In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life he argues that there is a set of rules that we all follow when presenting ourselves to others. These rules are based on three principles: "face", "impression management", and "the impression theory". Face is the principle that allows us to maintain our self concept by being recognized as a member of a certain group, while impression management refers to how we act when we want to influence others' impressions about us. Finally, people develop their own interpretation of what other people think about them based on their own impressions so it is important for people to have control over how they present themselves in their daily life.

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life is a classic text by Erving Goffman that was published in 1959. It is an analysis of how people present themselves and how they are viewed by others.

Erving Goffman is best known for his ideas about self-presentation, which he defined as the social art of managing impressions. In this audiobook, he discusses how one presents oneself to others.

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life is a sociological book by Erving Goffman. The significance of this book has been recognized by many scholars, but has still not received the attention it deserves. It is surprising, then, that the author's work has not been adapted into an audiobook to better introduce students to its concepts. This audiobook provides a detailed introduction to Goffman's concepts and is written in an engaging manner so as to appeal to students of diverse levels of academic ability.

In this audiobook, Erving Goffman presents a framework for understanding the presentation of self in everyday life. He examines how people make themselves known to others and how they establish their own unique identities through various tactics.

Erving Goffman's "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life" provides an in-depth look into the art and science of how people present themselves to others. In this audiobook download, author Graham Halstead presents a high level, easy to understand summary of the work. What makes it such a valuable resource is the fact that it is narrated by Halstead himself for easy listening.

Published Date 2020-01-14
Duration 9 hours 31 minutes
Author Erving Goffman
Narrated Graham Halstead
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science, Psychology

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