The Motive: Why So Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important Responsibilities Free Audiobook Download by Patrick M. Lencioni

The Motive is a compelling and disturbing exposé of the many reasons why "leaders" abdicate their most important responsibility - to lead. It's like a mirror on all of us; leaders who have been forced into abdication. The narrative is powerful, for it's about the life of Tom Washburn, an executive with a mid-sized company in Texas that was struggling to stay afloat.

Leadership is one of the most important roles in business. But even with a well-defined goal, many leaders just opt to abdicate their role and let someone else figure out the details; so they can shift away from providing leadership and move on to other things. The Motive is a book that will make you question your own motives and make you realize that if you want people to follow your lead, then you have to set an example worth following.

Patrick Lencioni is an expert on leadership and his years of work have led to a number of best-selling books. Every year, leadership experts from around the world gather in L.A. for a three day conference to discuss their thoughts about leadership and the future of workplaces. At this year's conference, the entire audience was given cassette tapes that were narrated by Jim Frangione (best selling author) with introductions by Patrick Lencioni himself.

The Motive is one of the most important leadership books written. This book provides a clear, concise and successful approach to leading any team. The author Patrick M. Lencioni addresses three main reasons so many leaders abdicate responsibility: they're overwhelmed, they don't know what to do or they're lazy and no longer want the stress of leadership.

The Motive is a leadership book written by Patrick M. Lencioni that discusses the problems of many leaders and why they give up their most important responsibilities. According to Lencioni, a leader must have clear and accurate goals, maintain integrity, and have the courage to make difficult decisions. In order to do this effectively, a leader must be willing to sacrifice time and energy for those who need it most in the company or organization. Leaders should not give up their responsibility for the happiness of others but instead work towards achieving true happiness for all stakeholders.

"The Motive" by Patrick Lencioni is a keynote business book that addresses the leadership dilemma of why so many leaders fail to do their most important job, which is to lead well. The executive summary of the book is that too many leaders will say yes when they should say no, and this makes them unsuccessful. One way to prevent getting swept away by the whirlwind of daily activities is to stay focused on what's important. The book provides a framework for assessing whether your decisions are meaningful or meaningless, and how to fix it if you've strayed off course.

Published Date 2020-02-26
Duration 2 hours 37 minutes
Author Patrick M. Lencioni
Narrated Jim Frangione
(9 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development

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