The Mind-Body Stress Reset: Somatic Practices to Reduce Overwhelm and Increase Well-Being Free Audiobook Download by Rebekkah Ladyne Ms Sep

The Mind-Body Stress Reset is a somatic guide for helping individuals reduce their stress levels and increase their well-being. The book provides detailed instructions on how to use various body movements, breathing techniques, and meditation practices to cope with mental and physical exhaustion.

The Mind-Body Stress Reset: Somatic Practices to Reduce Overwhelm and Increase Well-Being by Rebekkah Ladyne Ms Sep audiobook download is a guide for holistic practitioners, yoga teachers, and anyone else who wants to reduce stress in their lives. The book contains exercises that can be practiced on their own or with a practitioner, as well as meditation practices.

"The Mind-Body Stress Reset" is a book of somatic practices to reduce overwhelm and increase well-being. These practices are meant to be simple and easy to practice when you are feeling overwhelmed, which happens often in our increasingly busy modern world. The book is organized by subject into four chapters; breathing, posture, body awareness, and grounding.

The Mind-Body Stress Reset is a useful and accessible guide that can help you find your own path to a happier, healthier, more productive life. Throughout the book, author Rebekkah Ladyne Ms Sep, who also narrates the audiobook heard above, shares her personal journey with the reader. In doing so she helps them to rethink their relationships with stress and how to better care for their mental health at every stage of life.

In the modern world, we are all stressed out. Whether it is from a demanding job, the constant stream of social media or an overwhelming to-do list, many of us feel like time is no longer our own. In her book "The Mind-Body Stress Reset: Somatic Practices to Reduce Overwhelm and Increase Well-Being," author Rebekkah Ladyne Ms Sep breaks down the science behind this mindset and gives recommendations for how we can change our habits in order to rebalance ourselves.

The Mind-Body Stress Reset: Somatic Practices to Reduce Overwhelm and Increase Well-Being is a self-help guide that will help relieve stress and support your well-being. The book offers exercises, illustrations, and various ideas for somatic practices such as massage, guided imagery, yoga, tai chi, qigong, and more. It also includes an introduction to the topic of mindfulness meditation with three meditation instructions - breathe deep into the belly; notice your hands; notice your feet - that you can use anywhere to begin or end your day or even throughout the day.

Published Date 2021-04-13
Duration 7 hours 26 minutes
Author Rebekkah Ladyne Ms Sep
Narrated Emily Durante
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Mental Health, Self Development

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