The Lion of Sabray: The Afghani Warrior Who Defied the Taliban and Saved the Life of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Free Audiobook Download by Patrick Robinson

'The Lion of Sabray: The Afghani Warrior Who Defied the Taliban and Saved the Life of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell' is a book about an Afghani warrior named Ahmad Shah, who was captured by the Taliban in 2008 with his pregnant wife, Mahala. After enduring many tortures and terrible things that happened to him, Ahmad Shah was able to escape from his captors and find refuge in Peshawar. There he begans to fight for freedom. One day while driving through a checkpoint, Ahmad Shah saved Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell's life at great risk to himself. After they escaped Afghanistan together, they became friends. This book shows how one man can change the world even if he finds himself alone among enemies

The Lion of Sabray: The Afghani Warrior Who Defied the Taliban and Saved the Life of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell is an audiobook filled with captivating, heart-warming and fascinating stories of one man's story. Starting from when he was a child, to how he grew up in Afghanistan to aimlessly wandering across North Africa before finding his place in life, this book provides an amazing insight into one man's life. Not only does it tell the story of how this man risked his life for others, but it tells about his past that led him to the point where he could be the hero he is today.

The Lion of Sabray tells the story of a young Afghan warrior who went against his family tradition and became one of the most noteworthy figures in the history of Afghanistan. He is known for defying the Taliban and saving Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell's life during a battle with al-Qaeda.

The Lion of Sabray is a story about the Afghani warrior AbdulRahman, better known as The Lion of Sabray. AbdulRahman defied the Taliban and saved Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell's life. Luttrell was wounded when his helicopter crashed in Afghanistan and had to be rescued by AbdulRahman. This book follows AbdulRahman from childhood through his military career, recounting how he eventually lead an uprising against the Taliban in order to save Luttrell's life.

In 2009, a scruffy-looking Afghani shepherd boy saved the life of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell after he was shot in Afghanistan. The Lion of Sabray is an inspiring tale of courage, humanity, and faith in the face of adversity.

"A Lion of Sabray," tells the incredible story of an Afghan war veteran who became a naturalized American and led the charge in helping Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. The book begins with a description of how, as a young boy, Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell would watch TV with his father and imagine he was on the battlefield fighting back against the Taliban.

Published Date 2015-11-03
Duration 7 hours 0 minutes
Author Patrick Robinson
Narrated Pete Simonelli
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category Military, Memoir

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