The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters Free Audiobook Download by Tom Nichols

The Death of Expertise is a fascinating and engaging work on how the Internet has fundamentally changed our society and the way we see and use knowledge. Tom Nichols argues that our culture has moved away from rational thinking, facts, and authority in favor of online "sharing," where everyone's opinion matters equally. He also discusses how this change has started to take its toll on our lives through polarizing opinions, radicalization, and the overall breakdown of civility in society.

" Experts" is an all-encompassing term that's used by everyone from consumers to local governments. One day they're called on to vote on what color to paint a room, the next day they're asked their opinion on the health benefits of genetically modified food. But despite the ubiquity of experts, Tom Nichols believes that in many cases such as those mentioned above, those with established knowledge are harming society and doing irreparable damage to our trust in science and experts. Nichols makes this argument through his book "The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters."

The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters is written by Tom Nichols and narrated by Sean Pratt. This book tells the story of how experts are struggling to maintain their position in society as constant changes take place around them. Experts are not able to keep up with new technologies and the knowledge required for them to stay relevant has changed.

"The Death of Expertise" by Tom Nichols is a book about our present age. It argues that we are in peril because all of the information that we thought was true, starting from the Enlightenment onward, is now being challenged and sometimes overturned. This has created a situation in which experts like Nichols themselves have lost their "expertise."

The Death of Expertise is a 2016 non-fiction book by Tom Nichols, which examines the decline of expertise in society. Experts have been replaced by novices who are more "Relevant," as they are more engaged with social media, and less likely to be taken seriously because there are no established qualifications for expertise. The book makes the argument that knowledge and wisdom will not be found through Google Search, but through institutions like universities and schools which study the topics and create new knowledge.

The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters by Tom Nichols is an audiobook that discusses the dangers of science denial, which Nichols argues is on the rise today. "What you are seeing today," writes Nichols, "is not a death of expertise but a flare-up of ignorance." Science denial can have devastating effects on public health, as many vaccine deniers have successfully convinced themselves they don't need to vaccinate their children.

Published Date 2017-05-23
Duration 8 hours 41 minutes
Author Tom Nichols
Narrated Sean Pratt
(5 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Education, Philosophy

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