The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's Pursuit of Power Free Audiobook Download by Max Chafkin

Peter Thiel is a billionaire who first became wealthy as an entrepreneur. But by the age of 28, he had realized that business was too straightforward for his tastes - there was only so much time one could spend on market research, customer surveys and negotiations before one's curiosity began to wane.

Max Chafkin's book 'The Contrarian' takes a literary look at Silicon Valley in the early 2000s, when Peter Thiel was one of the richest men outside the valley and still a young man. With technical details and cultural observations, this book captures Silicon Valley's approach to power, government, and capitalism.

The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's Pursuit of Power audiobook download is a book written by Max Chafkin. It tells the story of Peter Thiel and his involvement in Silicon Valley. While the focus is on Thiel, the book also discusses how power is perceived in Silicon Valley. One of the key points that Chafkin talks about is how power is not something that can be held in your hand like a weapon but more of an intangible concept that you must fight for.

In "The Contrarian", Max Chafkin takes a deep dive into Silicon Valley's role in the world's current political order and national economy. The book is an important read for understanding the narrative that drives technology and its ever-changing applications.

"Peter Thiel is not a contrarian," says Will Damron in the audiobook version of "The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's Pursuit of Power" by Max Chafkin.

Will Damron has done a great job narrating this book, and it's a must-read for anyone interested in Silicon Valley and the future of technology.

Published Date 2021-09-21
Duration 12 hours 33 minutes
Author Max Chafkin
Narrated Will Damron
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category Business, Science & Technology, North America

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