The Case Against Sugar Free Audiobook Download by Gary Taubes

“The Case Against Sugar” is an audiobook narrated by Mike Chamberlain. In this audiobook, Taubes explains why sugar is bad for you and how to counteract its effects on your health. Despite the title, this book certainly does not argue against eating sugar - it only provides a means of understanding what has been wrong with the foods we eat for decades.

Gary Taubes, a journalist and professor of journalism and public policy at UC Berkeley, has written an audiobook called The Case Against Sugar. The audiobook was narrated by Mike Chamberlain and it was very enjoyable. He speaks with authority about the how sugar consumption has changed over time. His book is a comprehensive look into the history of sugar consumption from its discovery to present day.

Gary Taubes wrote The Case Against Sugar back in 2002, and asked the question "Why is sugar so bad for us?" After years of research and work, he came up with a clear answer: Sugar turns into fat. Since this illness was discovered, more than 300 million pounds of sugar have been demonized. This audiobook gives an unbiased account of his case against sugar.

Gary Taubes argues that the case against sugar is based on three pieces of evidence. First, there is a long history of people living in countries where sugar isn't consumed or present—typically the developed world—living healthier than those consuming it. Second, the effects of refined sugars are not just limited to tooth decay and obesity; they've been linked to conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Third, despite these negative health risks, sugar consumption is still rising at a rapid rate in many parts of the world.

Sugar, as Gary Taubes explains in this audiobook, is not a nutrient. It is processed food and it becomes addictive because of its widespread use in almost every single food item you can think of. The main problem with sugar is that it may cause obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

The Case Against Sugar audiobook download is a great listen for anyone interested in learning about sugar's health effects and how it has been promoted throughout history. The audiobook is divided into sections, covering the impact of sugar on health at different levels. Some of the most interesting points cover how sugar may have played a role in the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dementia.

Published Date 2016-12-27
Duration 11 hours 33 minutes
Author Gary Taubes
Narrated Mike Chamberlain
(55 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Diet & Nutrition, Business Development

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