The Book of Five Rings Free Audiobook Download by Miyamoto Musashi

The Book of Five Rings is a renowned classic text of swordsmanship, written by Miyamoto Musashi. Scott Brick has narrated the audiobook version and it can be found here.

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi is a Japanese classic on strategy. The book discusses five principles of strategy, which are discussed in depth in this audiobook. These principles include learning from defeat, the principle of attacking where there is no obvious weakness, and the principle of "breaking through an opponent's guard."

The Book of Five Rings, which is the most widely translated work in Japanese history and regarded as one of the finest books ever written on leadership and strategy, was written by Miyamoto Musashi. The book was first published in 1645 and has been translated approximately forty-seven times into English.

Filled with the wisdom of Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings is a must for any martial artist. Musashi's book has been studied by countless number of people and its lessons continue to be relevant today. Musashi is one of the few martial arts authors that have gained international fame and respect as a result of their books being translated into other languages.

Miyamoto Musashi's book of strategy, The Book of Five Rings, is one of the most popular books in Japan and has been translated into English. This classic guide offers insight into the value of strategy in the face of any opponent.

One of the best books on martial arts ever written, the Book of Five Rings has been studied and practiced by experts in many different fields. The book is a short treatise on strategy, ethics, and spiritual discipline divided into five chapters. The first chapter addresses the why of strategy: "By training with all your might and devoting yourself to its practice you will become skilled in strategy." Musashi's philosophy is that peace can only be achieved through understanding and restraint.

Published Date 2010-06-30
Duration 3 hours 0 minutes
Author Miyamoto Musashi
Narrated Scott Brick
(34 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Philosophy, Other, Military

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