The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment Free Audiobook Download by Babette Rothschild

This audiobook reviews the biochemistry of the stress response, how the body remembers traumatic events, and how trauma therapy helps to resolve this memory. In particular, it discusses trauma therapy as a treatment for PTSD symptoms such as reexperiencing, avoidance of stimuli related to the trauma, hyperarousal and distress.

Trauma and stress are no strangers. Stressful events like natural disasters, accidents, or personal traumas can really take a toll on the body. The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma is a great audiobook on how the body handles trauma and how we can treat it.

The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment is a book that explores the psychological and physiological effects of trauma, in particular childhood abuse. Rothschild not only provides details on how the body reacts to trauma but also offers strategies for coping with it. The author's approach includes exploring 'the science of fear' in order to examine what makes us afraid and how we might become resilient so that we can more productively deal with fear.

This book offers an overview of the processes that may be activated by a traumatic event, including physiological and emotional states, defense responses, and memory formation and persistence. There are also detailed descriptions of current theoretical approaches to trauma that postulate that psychophysiological responses can be harnessed as treatment tools.

The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment is a book about the psychophysiology of trauma. There are many ways to understand the body, from different perspectives. The author uses psychoneuroimmunology to describe how the body responds to trauma and stress, and how trauma can be healed or re-traumatized following one's own unique experience. It also describes how this knowledge is used in the healing process for victims of trauma.

Babette Rothschild teaches us that our bodies are a source of wisdom. Our bodies remember what happened to us and continue to give us clues about what still might be coming. In her book, she covers many different topics such as how trauma alters the nervous system and the body's response to trauma. As an example, she discusses how childhood abuse can lead to health problems later in life such as heart disease or cancer.

Published Date 2021-05-25
Duration 7 hours 48 minutes
Author Babette Rothschild
Narrated Donna Postel
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Psychology

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