The 7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman: What High-Quality Men Secretly Look for When Choosing the One Free Audiobook Download by Bruce Bryans

In the audiobook "The 7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman: What High-Quality Men Secretly Look for When Choosing the One" by Bruce Bryans, a high-quality man is looking for certain qualities in a woman. The first quality he wants a woman to have is selflessness. This quality speaks to his own selflessness and that of others. He wants her to be generous with her time, resources and emotions and put others above herself. In the seventh book of his successful series "The Spiritual Warrior's Way" author Bruce Bryans says that those with this quality are rare treasures indeed.

Bruce Bryans's book, The 7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman: What High-Quality Men Secretly Look for When Choosing the One, is a must read for men looking to take their relationships to the next level. This audiobook is read by Dan Culhane and has been applauded by listeners for its witty humor and insightful advice.

The 7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman: What High-Quality Men Secretly Look for When Choosing the One [by Bruce Bryans] narrated by Dan Culhane is an engaging and entertaining read that will have you laughing one moment and swooning the next. There are many lessons learned throughout the book but overall, it's about hope for women and hope for relationships. Women must learn to be confident in themselves first before they can truly be attractive to men. This is also a great book to teach a guy how to treat a woman with respect.

The 7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman: What High-Quality Men Secretly Look for When Choosing the One narrated by Dan Culhane is the first audiobook in a seven part series on relationships. This book examines what men find attractive in women that their partners often neglect to show them. A common mistake that many women make when they are trying to get a man's attention is wearing too much makeup and dressing immodestly. The author of this book states that it is important to dress modestly and wear clothes that are appropriate for your age, gender, physical shape and size. The author also emphasizes that it is important for every woman to exude self-confidence even if she does not feel confident about herself. Lastly, the author discusses how many men might desire affection from their significant other but may be afraid to ask for it directly because they do not know how to initiate the conversation.

Bruce Bryans '7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman' is a popular blog post written by Bruce Bryans, who claims to be an expert at dating women. In the article, he shares what he believes are the seven qualities that captivate high-quality men. These are the qualities that make him want to spend more time with her and desire to know her better.

In Bruce Bryans's audiobook, The 7 Irresistible Qualities Men Want in a Woman: What High-Quality Men Secretly Look for When Choosing the One, he shares excerpts from letters that he received from eleven different men about what qualities they look for in women. These seven irresistible qualities were revealed to be intelligence, a sense of humor, concern for their partner's emotions and happiness, a deeper love and connection than physical attraction as well as the ability to understand his culture.

Published Date 2016-01-07
Duration 1 hours 48 minutes
Author Bruce Bryans
Narrated Dan Culhane
(13 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Intimacy & Sex, Self Development

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