Soundbite: The Admissions Secret that Gets You Into College and Beyond Free Audiobook Download by Sara Harberson

Soundbite: The Admissions Secret that Gets You Into College and Beyond narrated by Sara Harberson audiobook download is a guide to the process of navigating the college admissions process. This audiobook offers the latest advice on how to stand out in a sea of applicants, how to find your unique selling point (USP), and how to ace an interview.

Soundbite: The Admissions Secret that Gets You Into College and Beyond is an entertaining, short story about a teen who learns the secrets to getting an elite college education from the wrong person.

Sara Harberson is sharing an admission secret that is going to change the game for every single person who wants to get into college or any other form of higher education. Sara herself was a straight-A student and had pretty much everything going for her but did not end up going to college because she did not know how to write a personal statement. She got accepted into every top school she applied to, but still could not attend any of them because she didn't know what was expected in the admissions process. Through lots of trial and error, Sara knew how to write a personal statement that works and it just so happen that she also wrote one that would make your parents proud.

This audiobook is a must-have for those who want to improve their chances of getting into college or university. It will teach you how to turn your personal story into a powerful admission tool that can help boost your career and life success. With so much information available today, applicants care more than ever about how they portray themselves on paper, so this audiobook will give you tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your resume, cover letter, and interview.

Sara Harberson's college admissions secrets are the best way to make sure you get into your dream school. This audiobook was created as a guide for high school students and their parents who hope to get accepted into their top choices for college admission. With no idea how competitive the process is, it can be difficult to know what you're doing until it's too late.

Sara Harberson, an accredited college admissions consultant for over a dozen schools in North America and Europe, reveals the secrets behind how to get into college and beyond.

Published Date 2021-04-06
Duration 6 hours 28 minutes
Author Sara Harberson
Narrated Sara Harberson
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Education

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