Si yo pude... ¡tú más! Free Audiobook Download by Maria Antonieta Collins

This audiobook tells the amazing story of Maria Antonieta Collins, who was once a poor woman in Venezuela with four children and no one to help care for them. Now, she's living with her family in the United States and is a millionaire entrepreneur and the author of "Si yo pude... ¡tú más!" The following are some bullet points about this novel:

The audiobook adapts the inspirational book 'Si yo pude... ¡tú más!' written by Maria Antonieta Collins and helps readers to transform their relationship with themselves and others. Each chapter of the book is translated into an audio message that helps guide readers in achieving a new level of self-awareness, personal growth, and intimacy.

La narradora es sólo la primera persona que habla. Lina Franco tiene una voz clara, y su manera de contar las historias con vehemencia hace que seguir escuchando sea una experiencia realmente emocionante.

Este libro ayuda a las personas que quieren hacer un cambio de vida y comenzar a llevar una vida más saludable. Algunas de las cosas que aprenden son sobre la importancia de mantenerse activo, el efecto que tienen los alimentos en su alma, y los beneficios de la foto del día. El libro es muy ameno y extremadamente sencillo para su lectura.

This book is for you if you want to be motivated and inspired by someone who took a big step to change their life. It's about how one woman overcame her fear of failure and achieved success in her career, personal relationships, and health.

¿Quieres ser una estrella del audiovisual? ¡Tu puedes! Si yo puede... ¡tú más! is a book that teaches you how to get noticed as an aspiring actor and filmmaker. Inside Maria Antonieta Collins will show you everything you need to know about learning your craft and making the right connections in order to do so.

Published Date 2021-11-16
Duration 6 hours 28 minutes
Author Maria Antonieta Collins
Narrated Lina Franco
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category Women, Arts & Entertainment

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