Roman History 101: From Republic to Empire Free Audiobook Download by Christopher M. Bellitto

Roman History 101: From Republic to Empire is one of the best history books for Roman History. This audiobook is narrated by Christopher M. Bellitto and contains over 23 hours of content. The book covers a lot of ground, from the Republic to the end of the Empire. It includes topics such as military strategies, technology, political life, and social life in Rome.

If you are interested in Roman History, this audiobook might be a great option for you. This book starts off by explaining the Roman Republic and then departs into the Roman Empire. The author also talks about what life was like during the height of the Roman Empire and how it changed.

Christopher Bellitto is the author of Roman History 101. This book teaches about the time period from the time of the republic to the time of empire by covering history in an easy and understandable way. The book is narrated by Christopher M. Bellitto so it can be more easily understood and enjoyed.

The Roman Republic began in 509 BC and lasted until 27 BC. It was founded by the plebeians, who wanted to partake in government without the patricians. The Republic eventually developed into an Empire that lasted from 27 BC to the fall of Rome in 476 AD. In his audiobook, author Christopher M. Bellitto takes listeners through this period of Roman history, explaining how it evolved from a city-state into an empire.

Roman History 101: From Republic to Empire is an audiobook and contains the history of the Roman Republic and Empire. It covers everything from Caesar's dictatorship, to the fall of Rome in 476 AD.

It is impossible to talk about the Roman Empire without discussing two important themes: the origins and foundations of Rome, and the fall of Rome. This audiobook explores both topics with ease, providing a thorough overview of the most important moments in Rome's history.

Published Date 2012-12-05
Duration 4 hours 58 minutes
Author Christopher M. Bellitto
Narrated Christopher M. Bellitto
(12 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Philosophy, Ancient Civilizations

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