Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation Free Audiobook Download by Roosevelt Montás

Roosevelt Montás is a philosopher, author, and poet. His book "Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation" discusses how Socrates' challenges to conventional wisdom influenced him, ultimately leading to his success as an innovative thinker in today's society.

The book is about the quest for meaning and how it has been debated since ancient times. It is also about the individual's search for meaning in their lives, what that can be and how one might find it. The author tells of his experiences with great books in his life and his realization that they are timeless especially when we need them most. He says there is a reason these books were written, not only to inform or entertain but also to touch our souls.

What is the secret to a fulfilling life? How can we find meaning in our lives and find purpose in our existence? For Roosevelt Montás, finding a sense of joy in his life was what he desired. Something that would make him feel fulfilled and truly happy. Little did he know, he would be inspired by one of history's greatest thinkers who has guided him through centuries of struggle.

Jerome McGann's book Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation is a must-read for any college student, or anyone else who is looking to distance themselves from the distractions of modern life. It explores the history of reading, what it means to be educated and why students should care more about the Great Books than they do their social media.

Roosevelt Montás is a professor of philosophy at Stanford University and the author of several books. In his latest work, he writes about how the study of the great books has shaped his life and what it means for students today. The book is designed for those who are new to the traditional study of philosophy and those who have never read any philosophical texts before. It provides a brief introduction to the history of philosophy from Socrates to Montás himself.

Whether or not you have read the Great Books or have even heard of them, you've undoubtedly been affected by some of the ideas that they contain. The books include many different genres such as fiction, non-fiction, and philosophy. In this audiobook, Roosevelt Montás discusses how Socrates' questioning of authority made him one of the most important people in Western civilization. He also talks about how Socrates is still relevant today and his life story can be enjoyed by readers today.

Published Date 2021-11-16
Duration 6 hours 27 minutes
Author Roosevelt Montás
Narrated Roosevelt Montás
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Education, Memoir

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