Read This To Get Smarter: about Race, Class, Gender, Disability & More Free Audiobook Download by Blair Imani

"Blair Imani offers a new and refreshing perspective on race, class, gender and disability that will make you question your assumptions. Blair is an activist, public speaker and one of the most compelling voices to come out of America in a long time."

"Read This To Get Smarter" is a short audiobook that tells you about the different types of discrimination and how to deal with them. Racism, sexism, classism, they're all explained in this book.

Read This To Get Smarter: about Race, Class, Gender, Disability & More is a book that is narrated by 'Blair Imani'. It covers a range of topics such as race and class and although they're not the only two discussed, they're the two that are brought up most often. Blair Imani also discusses gender and disability in the book.

Read This To Get Smarter: about Race, Class, Gender, Disability & More is a collection of essays about identity, diversity and belonging. It's both introductory and comprehensive. Imani's easy-to-read style lets you feel like you're reading one essay at a time.

In this audiobook, author Blair Imani teaches by offering examples and anecdotes from her personal experiences. She uses the example of a high school graduate who is used to thinking of herself as just black and for being referred to as such. Imani then speaks about how she became an activist and the sacrifices that she had to make in order to help others gain equality for themselves.

If you're looking for a book that will help make sense of the complexities of America today, read this one. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to be educated and open minded about the world around them.

Published Date 2021-10-26
Duration 5 hours 27 minutes
Author Blair Imani
Narrated Blair Imani
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science

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