Nunca te pares: Autobiografía del fundador de Nike Free Audiobook Download by Phil Knight

[Sebastián Rosas] was born in 1942. He was the head of the advertising division at Portland State University and got a job at Nike from his brother Bruce and Phil Knight after graduating. They were on their way to a meeting where they had to pitch for the company's first ad campaign and wanted conversation practice. [Sebastián Rosas] became an author of Nike ads, an award-winning copywriter, one of the most influential people in American advertising, and a trusted advisor to Phil Knight.

Phil Knight's story with Nike is fascinating. In 1975, he had the idea to manufacture and sell athletic shoes. At the time, running was a popular pastime that left athletes looking for something better. He felt that he had found it in the Nike Shox shoe, which was considered to be ahead of its time because they allowed runners to 'run on the ground while running on air'. With this purchase, Nike became one of the most well-known sports brands in America. The company has become a household name as they continue to be one of the top companies in their industry

Desde los primeros días de la empresa, Phil Knight ha dicho que nunca te pares - no importa lo que estés haciendo; nunca se detiene. En una entrevista para el Wall Street Journal, el fundador de Nike dijo "Tengo siete horas diarias para ser un caballero”. Una entrevista en una revista muy popular reveló las secretos del inmenso éxito de Phil Knight y del mejor negocio del mundo.

This is a very entertaining, well-written book. Phil Knight and Douglas Brinkley's narration makes the book easy to listen to, while at the same time maintaining the personal story of Phil Knight throughout the journey. The audiobook also includes interviews with Phil and his family, as well as many other interesting people on Nike and in their industry.

En esta autobiografía, Phil Knight te cuenta la historia de Nike desde el punto de vista del fundador y CEO. Se describe cómo llevó a la empresa a su estado actual, con miles de personas trabajando para él. Con una nueva forma de ganar dinero Michael Jordan fomenta un aumento en las ventas hasta que se convierte en una compañía multimillonaria que ha sido comparada con Disney.

Phil Knight es un músico de origen alemán que se consagró a los deportes, comenzando en el béisbol y posteriormente en el atletismo. Se convirtió rápidamente en un gran ejecutivo, asumiendo la dirección de Nike después de que cambiaran sus estructuras corporativas.

Published Date 2021-08-12
Duration 16 hours 11 minutes
Author Phil Knight
Narrated Sebastián Rosas
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category Business, Management & Leadership

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