Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success Free Audiobook Download by Michael D'Antonio

Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success is one of the most definitive works so far about the search for success in America. Author Michael D'Antonio, a journalist and former speech writer for President Ronald Reagan, gives great insight into how wealth and power are achieved like no other before him by studying the life of President Donald Trump. D'Antonio covers both Trump's personal life as well as his professional successes, including his role in making Trump win his first election and taking him from business to politics.

This week, Michael D'Antonio's 541-page book "Never Enough" was released. In the book, D'Antonio argues that Donald Trump's success is attributed to his insatiable appetite for money and power. He says that Trump's ambition has been fueled by a need for approval he never gets from his father, his wife, or other members of Trump's inner circle. The author also believes that Trump's personal behavior might not be as erratic as it seems, because he is playing a role in society. He says that this "role" is one of a wealthy businessman seeking to be president.

The 2018 novel, "Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success by Michael D'Antonio" narrates the life story of Donald Trump. Through interviews with his friends, family, and colleagues, author Michael D'Antonio takes readers through the life of this mogul. He explores how his childhood shaped his personality; how he had to overcome numerous obstacles while becoming a billionaire in real estate; and what he thinks about now that we are living in the age of Trump.

Michael D'Antonio, a journalist, takes the reader on a journey into Donald Trump's life and career. Michael starts by talking about Trump's humble beginnings as a real estate developer before going over his rise in the world of business and politics. The author then goes on to talk about Trump's family, including his five marriages and four children. He also tells us about Trump's political campaign that led him to become president today. This book is recommended for readers who are interested in learning more about Donald Trump and his life.

"Donald Trump is a human being, as is every other human being". This is one of the most important quotes in Michael D'Antonio's book, "Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success." I believe this quote sums up how we should think about Donald Trump and how he came to be successful. Some people may think that his success was just luck because of how wealthy he was from birth, but Michael D'Antonio's research shows otherwise. One of the keys to Donald Trump's success was reading. He reads over 100 books a year and writes notes in his own handwriting about what he likes or dislikes so that he can learn more about what he wants to do. Another key to his success was

President Donald Trump's rise to power has been, at times, a model of political kismet. Each time he seems to have arrived, there is a new obstacle standing in his way. He is constantly upstaged by his own shortcomings, investigations into his past business dealings and even his own family members who are getting in the way of making the country great again. To date, the president has had to constantly change course and re-evaluate what he is doing with his life.

Published Date 2015-09-22
Duration 16 hours 17 minutes
Author Michael D'Antonio
Narrated Eric Pollins
(14 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category Arts & Entertainment, Business, Law & Politics

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