Narco Wars: The Gripping Story of How British Agents Infiltrated the Colombian Drug Cartels Free Audiobook Download by Tom Chandler
Know what narco wars is? Narco Wars is a story of how British agents infiltrated the Colombian drug cartel. The book narrates the gripping story of how they infiltrated and destroyed the Colombian drug cartels. It's an expose of the Spanish colonial influence in Latin America and a study of how narcotics money funds terrorism worldwide.
Narco Wars: The Gripping Story of How British Agents Infiltrated the Colombian Drug Cartels is a well-written, enthralling account of how a team of British agents infiltrated Colombia to disrupt and dismantle the cartels. Its focus on the drug trade in Colombia makes it particularly interesting but it's also full of intrigue and suspense, as complex as any thriller.
Narco Wars is the unusual and gripping story of how British agents infiltrated the Colombian drug cartels through a complicated web of double-crosses and deceit. In this partly true, partly fabricated account, author Tom Chandler follows an unlikely band of mavericks who risked everything to bring down Colombia's most notorious kingpins and ultimately saved the lives of scores of innocent people.
Narco Wars, by Tom Chandler, is the gripping story of how British agents infiltrated the Colombian drug cartels. Through an intricate group of events and undercover intelligence the British agents were able to infiltrate the cartels and gather information that led to a large number of arrests. Narco Wars is an entertaining book with a unique perspective on Colombia's drug cartels.
Narco Wars is an audiobook about the story of how British agents infiltrated the Colombian drug cartels. The book is relatively short with a total runtime around six hours and forty minutes. Narco Wars was released on July 17, 2017 and has been met with mixed reviews from critics.
Narco Wars is the gripping story of how British agents infiltrated the Colombian drug cartels and brought down the Ochoa family in just a few months. The book opens with a quote from the author Tom Chandler who explains that he has been "attempting to dramatize" the true story of what happened by writing a novel. It's an eye opening account of how easily corruption can infiltrate societies, governments, and corporations. With such an intense story, it would be difficult to keep readers interested if they weren't introduced to characters they could connect with. Thankfully, this book does just that with its compelling cast of characters: each one bringing something different to the table. I found myself rooting for some while despising others; despite their differences,
Published Date | 2019-04-04 |
Duration | 9 hours 23 minutes |
Author | Tom Chandler |
Narrated | Jonathon Keeble |
Reviews | |
Abridged | No |
Is It Free? | 30-days Free |
Category | Biography & Memoir |
Parent Category | Law & Politics |