Mom Brain: Proven Strategies to Fight the Anxiety, Guilt, and Overwhelming Emotions of Motherhood-and Relax into Your New Self Free Audiobook Download by Ilyse Dobrow Dimarco

When you've just given birth to your first baby, you can't help but wonder if you'll ever feel normal again. With the newness and uncertainty of motherhood, it's common for mothers to experience feelings of anxiety, guilt, and overwhelming emotions that aren't typically seen as maternal. However, over time some natural changes occur that help a new mom understand her unique strengths and learn how to enjoy motherhood. Using her own personal experiences and interviews with other women across the country, author Ilyse Dobrow Dimarco offers moms proven strategies on how to relieve stress and unwind-even if they're not yet at peace.

The overwhelming emotions that come with being a mom can be difficult to manage. It's important to find ways of calming the body and mind when trying to relax, but it's also essential to understand where these emotions are coming from. The New Mom's Guide for Better Sleep and Less Anxiety, Guilt, and Overwhelming Emotions by Ilyse Dobrow Dimarco is a relatable guide meant to help new moms understand themselves better.

Mom Brain is a practical and compassionate guide for moms who feel like they're in over their heads. This audiobook explains that motherhood isn't a race--it's an opportunity to nurture your true self and find peace and clarity in your life as you balance the domestic responsibilities of motherhood with personal growth.

As a new mom, your body is changing and so is your brain. In this book, Ilyse Dobrow Dimarco shares her expertise in coping with the anxiety, guilt, and overwhelming emotions of motherhood by sharing proven strategies that will help you to relax into your new self with ease.

A mother's brain has been called the "foggy screen of a sinking ship" because it's really hard to think clearly when you're simply too overwhelmed. Luckily, there are ways to avoid these feelings and feel more grounded with your new family. From learning how to put the kids down for their naps, fighting childcare guilt, getting help from friends and family members, and even getting yourself some time alone with your partner, Ilyse Dobrow Dimarco shares strategies that will help you relax into being a mom.

As a mother, there are many feelings that you may experience at any given moment--and the feeling of being overwhelmed is one that is experienced by mothers all over the world. Whether it's physical or mental exhaustion, guilt, anxiety, or just plain ol' overwhelm--mom brain can strike with little to no warning and without an end in sight. Being a parent isn't always easy--but this audiobook aims to help you find your inner peace and satisfaction as a mother by providing strategies for coping with these overwhelming emotions.

Published Date 2021-05-11
Duration 11 hours 36 minutes
Author Ilyse Dobrow Dimarco
Narrated Vanessa Daniels
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Mental Health, Marriage & Family

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