Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me) Third Edition: Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts Free Audiobook Download by Elliot Aronson,Carol Tavris

Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris in their book, "Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me)" talk about how we "justify" our hurtful behavior. The authors define a justification as when we feel that what you are doing is wrong but no one else sees it the same way. These justifications can be due to ignorance, lack of information, or even the desire to blame someone else for your mistakes.

It's a pretty common thing that people are in denial when they make mistakes. People justify their mistakes and fool themselves into thinking that they were right. Carol Tavris talks about how this happens to all of us and how we can try to not fall victim to it. She also shares some examples through life experiences with the reader and how the denial helped the person in question but didn't help anyone else.

Mistakes Were Made is a classic self-help book by Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris. This third edition of their book has been revised for a modern audience. Chapters address such topics as why people believe in things that are untrue, make decisions based on what feels good rather than what is true and how prejudice can be justified or even pleasant.

Mistakes Were Made is a book about decision-making that applies to a variety of situations, including work, sports and relationships. The central theory it discusses is the "fundamental attribution error," which refers to the tendency for people to underestimate their own contributions to outcomes while overestimating those of others.

Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me) is a book written by Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris which discusses the psychology of human decision making. This book shows that there are many factors that can influence our decision-making process and has us justifing decisions to the point of self-delusion. The audiobook for Mistakes Were Made is available for free download on Audible.

There is a section of the book for day-to-day life that goes over topics like mental health, relationships, work, and sleep.

Published Date 2020-04-28
Duration 12 hours 11 minutes
Author Elliot Aronson, Carol Tavris
Narrated Carol Tavris
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Psychology

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