Mastery Free Audiobook Download by Robert A. Greene

Mastery is a fascinating story of the author's life. A business man and lifelong learner, he shares many personal stories with his readers as he makes his climb to success. Robert Greene starts by learning the skills of a craftsperson, apprenticing himself to master each skill in turn. He went from being an 'amateur apprentice' to a highly sought after artisan for an international clientele.

Mastery is one of the most influential books to be ever written. This novel is based on the life and teachings of Robert A. Greene, who wrote in 1926 ways to rise above mediocrity to achieve mastery. Mastery tells a story of struggle and triumph as Greene masterfully teaches readers how to move past the difficulties and reach their goals with inner peace.

Mastery is a beautifully written and masterful work of art that should be read by anyone who wants to understand the psychological, spiritual, and physical challenges one faces on the path to maturity.

Mastery is a non-fiction book written by Robert A. Greene and narrated by Fred Sanders. It tells the life story of Robert Greene, who grew up in a poor family in France, and helped create the field of psychohistory. The narrator is roughly 35 years old, and lives with his wife and son on a farm in Vermont. The audiobook has been downloaded over 100 million times in total, which makes it one of the most popular audiobooks ever made.

Mastery is a novel by Robert A. Greene. It is about the rise and fall of the American hero, swashbuckling con artist Harry Feversham, who comes to New York City in 1894 in search of fame and fortune. There he aligns himself with the likes of P.T. Barnum, John Jacob Astor and Andrew Carnegie but quickly realizes that he is simply a pawn being used by powerful players who are really fighting over 'the game.'

Mastery is a wonderful audiobook that Robert Greene has written. It tells a story of a man named Willie who went to the city to find his life's work and ended up finding many things. The book covers topics such as 'The Enduring Secret of Greatness,' 'The Long Road to Mastery,' 'An Attitude of Gratitude,' and more.

Published Date 2012-11-13
Duration 16 hours 8 minutes
Author Robert A. Greene
Narrated Fred Sanders
(145 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Career Development

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