Lucky 13: The 13 Must-Do's to Increase Your Odds of Getting a Second Interview Free Audiobook Download by Gail Kasper

Tired of the same old job search tactics? Gail Kasper shares her insider tips from her years as a recruiter and hiring manager on how to really stand out in your job hunt and get a second interview.

There are many things that can help you get your second interview. Some of these include writing a cover letter, having an impressive portfolio, making sure to follow the company on social media, and searching for local events sponsored by the company. If you're not getting interviews like you want to, it might be because you're not doing anything right. Luckily, there is a guide to increasing your chances of getting a second interview which includes 13 things that everyone should do.

Gail Kasper has been interviewing for second interviews, and landing job offers from more companies than anyone else she knows. She's put together a list of 13 things that you can do to increase your odds of getting a second interview. With all the different ways to market yourself in today's world, it's difficult to decide what will work best for you.

Do you need a second job? If so, Gail Kasper will help you get your foot in the door. The book offers 13 tips on how to get a second interview, including not being self-absorbed, taking the opportunity to be authentic, and using your power for good.

Getting a second interview is not easy and takes some preparation. You should take the following steps to increase your odds of getting a second interview: - Research your company and the industry - Dress professionally and appropriately for the interview - Send follow-up emails after each interview - Participate in group interviews

Published Date 2012-03-27
Duration 0 hours 24 minutes
Author Gail Kasper
Narrated Gail Kasper
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Career Development

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