Leaders Eat Last Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Leadership Principles and Leadership Communication Audiobook Download by L.E. Patton,Francis Delaney

The bundle contains a full audio book of the Leadership Principles by L.E. Patton Francis Delaney which can be downloaded for free, and a second audiobook, that is narrated by the two African American men who were attacked by the white teenagers in the video, 'Courage' and Marcus Mulenga. The two stories are amazing and make you think about how you would react if you were in their shoes.

In this audio bundle, Leadership Principles and Leadership Communication takes you on a journey to helping you grow your leadership. You will learn the principles of leadership and how they can be abundant in your own life.

The Leadership Principles Bundle follows the journey of Marcus Mulenga and his work as he builds his leadership skills from the ground up. He begins to ask questions about what it means to be a leader and what being a leader really entails. Along the way Marcus learns about what true leadership is all about, how to get better at leading, and more.

Leaders Eat Last Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Leadership Principles and Leadership Communication is written by L.E. Patton Francis Delaney. It's a bundle of 12 books on leadership principles, leadership communication, and personal development that are perfect for beginners. The narration is done by Marcus Mulenga, who has the character names 'Courage' and 'Marcus Mulenga', which I found to be confusing but others may not mind it at all.

Leaders eat last bundle, Leadership principles and leadership communication by L.E. Patton Francis Delaney audiobook download is a good example of leadership principles, what it takes to be a leader, and leadership communication that helps guide leaders in the right direction.

This Leadership Bundle will help you develop your leadership skills. It includes Leadership Principles by L.E. Patton and "How to Become a Leader" by L.E. Patton which are read in the audio book, "Leadership Communication- The Language of Leaders"

Published Date 2021-10-27
Duration 0 hours 44 minutes
Author L.E. Patton, Francis Delaney
Narrated Courage , Marcus Mulenga
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? No
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Education, Management & Leadership

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