Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition: A Revolutionary Program That Works Free Audiobook Download by Evelyn Tribole,Elyse Resch

The first edition of Intuitive Eating was published in 1995 and the concept behind it has been considered revolutionary since then. The book sets out a plan for achieving lasting weight loss, more healthful eating, and greater satisfaction with one's body.

Intuitive eating is a radical new approach to weight loss and health that focuses on self-awareness and caring for one's body. This third edition is a concise and accessible guide with over 100 color photos, drawings, and diagrams to help readers understand how to do intuitive eating with confidence.

Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition: A Revolutionary Program That Works is a book about and for the millions of Americans struggling with dieting. The first edition has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide. Here, you'll find an invaluable resource that will help to create a new way of life around food - one in which you can eat intuitively and enjoy eating again.

Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition: A Revolutionary Program That Works is a program that was developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. It teaches the principles of intuitive eating and helps you to learn how to be more in tune with your body's needs. The book is broken down into six parts explaining the basics, how to get started, eating for weight loss, eating for emotional health, getting back into shape, and living life joyfully.

This book is a comprehensive guide to the Intuitive Eating program. It includes an easy-to-follow six-week eating plan and numerous recipes with many of them including tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship with food while still fitting into your busy schedule.

Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition: A Revolutionary Program That Works is a guide to ending the battle with your weight, food and body by learning to trust yourself. Whether you have struggled with your body image for years or just want to drop a few pounds, Intuitive Eating will help you eat intuitively and love yourself.

Published Date 2012-09-18
Duration 13 hours 55 minutes
Author Evelyn Tribole, Elyse Resch
Narrated Pam Ward
(23 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Diet & Nutrition

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