I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time Free Audiobook Download by Laura Vanderkam

The audiobook, "I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time" is narrated by Laura Vanderkam. This audiobook discusses how successful women use their time and further explores the concept of time management. Vanderkam uses her own personal experience and research to draw conclusions on what makes a successful woman.

Laura Vanderkam gives advice on how to use your time most efficiently. Vanderkam says it's important to know what you want for yourself and others, and make this a priority. Some of her suggestions include setting clear goals, knowing when to say no, and having a work-life balance. She also suggests creating systems in order to be more efficient with your time.

Laura Vanderkam in her book "I Know How She Does It" gives tips to women on how they can make the most of their time by better understanding and planning. She offers advice on prioritizing your goals, establishing realistic deadlines, creating a morning ritual, and making sure that you give yourself enough downtime away from work.

In a book called I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time, Laura Vanderkam talks about 4 principles successful women live by. These are productivity habits they all follow to maximize their time, work with passion, and make choices in order to create space for the things that really matter.

Many people struggle to do their work efficiently and effectively because they spend too much time doing unnecessary tasks. Laura Vanderkam, author of the audiobook "I Know How She Does It," believes that this is how many women become successful. In her book, she says that successful women learn how to rid themselves of distractions and prioritize their work. Vanderkam also provides tips for making sure you are investing your time wisely so that you can be more effective in your personal and professional life.

In this book, Laura Vanderkam explains how successful women make the most of their time. She uses many examples to show that there is no such thing as a perfect work schedule, so women should be flexible in order to succeed. One reason for this is because the demands and responsibilities of being a mother can change at any given time. Another principle Vanderkam talks about is how much people go out, which makes it harder for professional women to find the time to focus on their careers.

Published Date 2015-06-09
Duration 7 hours 36 minutes
Author Laura Vanderkam
Narrated Laura Vanderkam
(8 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Management & Leadership, Career Development

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