How to Treat People: A Nurse's Notes Free Audiobook Download by Molly Case

If you're a new nurse or just looking to refresh your memory on how to treat patients, this audiobook is a great place to start. The author uses humor and real-life experience to keep the book interesting while also providing help on difficult patient interactions. The narrator's voice makes it easy for anyone to understand in a time when so much information is available through audio.

This is a great book for anyone in the healthcare industry as well as for anyone who wants to learn about how people react to certain situations. You will find yourself faced with many scenarios and becoming more emotionally equipped throughout the book. The audiobook is read by the author herself so it's just like listening to her speak while you are reading this book. The book gives useful advice on how to handle a patient when they have a prolonged hospitalization, sudden mood changes, or just not taking care of themselves at all.

In my work as a psychiatric nurse on a psychiatric unit, I have treated some very difficult and challenging patients. These patients can be tough to understand and are often difficult to care for. For these reasons, it is not always easy to know how to best treat people with complex needs. One of the things that I found helpful for myself was Henrietta Meire's book "How to Treat People: A Nurse's Notes." This book is full of tips that nurses might use in their own practice and provides insight into what tools might be most helpful in different situations.

This book is a must-read for nurses and other medical professionals, who are responsible for treating patients. The author gives clear instructions about how to treat patients in accordance with guidelines established by the American Nurses Association.

This is a collection of stories and notes from a nurse's perspective. The book contains chapters such as "How to Not Get on the Bad Side of Your Patients" and "How to Treat People: A Nurse's Notes." The author has taken her own experiences as a nurse and written them down in this book.

This audiobook is worth listening to because it is based on a journal that Molly Case kept during her time as a nurse. Her notes illustrate how challenging it can be to treat some patients and how true love makes you feel.

Published Date 2019-09-10
Duration 6 hours 49 minutes
Author Molly Case
Narrated Henrietta Meire
(8 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category History & Culture, Memoir

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