How to Have That Difficult Conversation: Gaining the Skills for Honest and Meaningful Communication Free Audiobook Download by Henry Cloud,Dr. John Townsend

One of the most difficult conversations that we all must have is the one with ourselves. We all make mistakes, say the wrong things, and are unsure of how to handle certain situations. When it comes to knowing how to improve our conversation skills and convincing others around us, this book offered a helpful guide on how to do so."

The performance of this audiobook is far from perfect, but the information inside is worth reading. The chapter on how to have that difficult conversation provides many helpful tips for those who may find themselves in a difficult conversation.

Difficult conversations can make us feel uncomfortable. In this book, Dr. John Townsend and Henry Cloud offer strategies for how to have a difficult conversation that is not combative or negative. The authors encourage readers to take an honest, open-minded approach when having difficult conversations so that you can communicate with sincerity and clarity in the moment.

In this audiobook, Dr. John Townsend outlines the key skills and attitudes you'll need in order to have a difficult conversation. There are three steps that can be followed to make conversations go well: turning up the energy, listening deeply, and staying present. He provides examples of tough conversations that went well in order to give examples of how to reframe things so they will go well as well.

Having conversations that are difficult can frustrate even the most well-intentioned person. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend have written a helpful guide to help people learn skills in order to ensure they are having a conversation that is truthful and meaningful. The book contains strategies for both individuals and groups, from simple tools such as taking notes on your phone during the conversation, to using silence to leverage space for understanding.

It has never been more difficult to have a meaningful conversation, and the legacy of this difficulty is a lot of unresolved conflicts. Dr. John Townsend's book helps us develop the skills necessary to have open communication with our families, friends, colleagues and even those we disagree with. Townsend is an organizational psychologist who draws from his experience in business and social settings in order to write about how conversations happen.

Published Date 2020-06-02
Duration 8 hours 52 minutes
Author Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend
Narrated Tom Parks
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Psychology, Christianity

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