Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America Free Audiobook Download by Linda Tirado

The audiobook [Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America] by Linda Tirado is a fascinating book about the costs of living in the United States. The author, journalist and social critic discusses poverty, discrimination, unemployment, and the lack of education that make it nearly impossible for those struggling to survive. She then touches on her own experience with racism and discrimination as she became a target of racial profiling while she was pregnant.

Linda Tirado is a Latino woman who received a Masters Degree in social work. She's also an undocumented immigrant who has spent the past eight years living in the US, working at fast food and retail jobs, cleaning houses, babysitting, and selling artisanal soap on Etsy. Her book is about the experiences of working with low-income people and the struggles that come along with trying to live 'the American Dream'.

The book is based on a diary from the point of view of Linda Tirado. It talks about her life and hardships that she faced as an undocumented immigrant living in the United States. Throughout the book, she talks about working for minimum wage, getting evicted from her house, and being unable to help her family who are still in Mexico.

Linda Tirado, author of the book Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America and mother of four, is a well-known journalist, blog writer and public speaker. Her book explores her personal journey from the riches of Hollywood to the low living conditions of struggling with poverty and homelessness in America. Linda's writing shares her struggles to make ends meet and how she found a way out by offering health services at a local food pantry.

"I know that I won't be able to keep myself alive off of these government-sanctioned handouts. They're not going to make me feel secure, they're not going to make me feel like I have a stake in society." - Linda Tirado

The United States of America is a society built on a bedrock of bootstraps. We believe that anyone can make it if they try hard enough, and the most important thing is to never ever stop trying. For people unfamiliar with the American Dream, this goal may seem attainable through hard work, but for many others who are struggling to keep afloat in a deeply divided country where income inequality has reached new heights, this just isn't possible.

Published Date 2014-10-02
Duration 4 hours 24 minutes
Author Linda Tirado
Narrated Linda Tirado
(3 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science, Memoir

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