Finding Your Sacred Contract Free Audiobook Download by Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss, an internationally renowned author, speaker and mystic, has led a remarkably successful life. In her book, "Finding Your Sacred Contract," she shares a platform of awakening that connects us to our true essence and the potential we have within us-- what she calls our "divine contract."

Discover the place within your soul where life and love are deeply intertwined. Caroline Myss reveals the spiritual principles that have been driving humanity for time immemorial, providng an understanding - and a way to live according to - these timeless truths.

The ancient art of conversation is at the heart of all relationships. Before we even talk, it's easy to tell if we are on the same wavelength or not. When we do start speaking, it's just as easy to know if there is a connection between us. Relationships need a sacred contract that says what can be shared and what should remain private.

In her book, Caroline Myss explains the four forces of life that are at work in every person. The first force is our life's purpose and goes by the title, your sacred contract. This is based on a simple question that we all ask when we're born: "what am I here to do?" By answering this question through personal inquiry and daily spiritual practices, you'll set goals that will help you achieve your life's purpose.

Author of "Sacred Contracts" Caroline Myss shares her insights on her work, and personal journey in this compelling audiobook download.

Caroline Myss is a bestselling author who has written many books about soul healing, bodymind, and spirituality. In this audiobook, she speaks to listeners about how to find your sacred contract through which you can find peace, joy, and purpose in life. She talks about the things we do with our body as a way of expressing ourselves in the world.

Published Date 2003-08-27
Duration 4 hours 28 minutes
Author Caroline Myss
Narrated Caroline Myss
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Naturopathy & New Age

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