Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior through Trying to Conceive, IVF, and Miscarriage Free Audiobook Download by Samantha Busch

Samantha Busch tells her story of trying to conceive and experiencing miscarriage in a new audiobook entitled Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior through Trying to Conceive, IVF, and Miscarriage. The audiobook follows Samantha's journey into infertility and everything she went through while trying to find a way to become pregnant with her husband. From the moment she started trying to conceive all the way until they lost their first child, Samara narrates her experience with honesty and clarity that every woman should listen to in order for them to learn from her mistakes.

"I loved this audiobook from beginning to end. It's a powerful, touching memoir that I would highly recommend to anyone trying to conceive." -Kieran

Samantha Busch tells her story of overcoming infertility in this audio book. Samantha's journey begins with trying to conceive and then moving on to IVF, and after the loss of a baby she revealed that she had a miscarriage. Throughout the whole process, Samantha found herself feeling lost and questioning why it was happening to her. Her journey is not only one of fighting infertility but also of finding herself through trying to conceive again and going through IVF again.

Samantha Busch is a fertility nurse and author who has spent a good amount of time providing counseling for women going through infertility or dealing with miscarriage. She is a woman who truly understands what it's like to be in the trenches and has shed light on the subject in her book Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior Through Trying to Conceive, IVF, and Miscarriage. The audiobook of this book can be downloaded free from Audible.

After struggling with infertility for three years, Samantha Busch tried IVF and was prescribed Clomid. She found that while she felt reassured by having tried it, the only way to obtain a successful pregnancy was through surrogacy. A year later, she became pregnant but miscarried at 5 weeks due to a congenital birth defect in her baby. When she learned about the beautiful art of mindfulness, she began developing her self-care routine and created a series of guided meditations and yoga sequences that are now offered on her website.

Samantha Busch is an infertility therapist and author of the book "Fighting Infertility". This audiobook is a story about Samantha's journey with infertility and IVF. The audiobook is very helpful in understanding what is going on during the process and how to move forward,

Published Date 2021-03-30
Duration 8 hours 20 minutes
Author Samantha Busch
Narrated Samara Naeymi
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Marriage & Family, Women's Health, Disorders & Diseases

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