Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America Free Audiobook Download by Eyal Press

The book Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America, by Eyal Press, is a mix of economic analysis and personal narrative that explores how much less free labor is available for some jobs than others. The author argues that these technological advances are changing our attitudes about what should be done with people who are on the margins of society.

Using the lens of sociologist Eyal Press, this book provides a framework for understanding the hidden toll of work on America. He argues that while society views it as dirty and contemptible, low-wage work is essential to sustaining our standard of living.

Dirty Work offers a sobering observation of the hidden toll working takes on our health, our communities, and our country. As Eyal Press explains in this new book, too often we strip away the dignity of these jobs and don't question how they affect society. This audiobook is a must-listen for anyone interested in social justice, economics, or workplace equality.

“The dirty work that makes our society function at its most efficient,” writes Eyal Press in his book Dirty Work, “is not just unpleasant, it is invisible: the single-minded pursuit of profit, the relentless effort to cut costs and maximize output, the mechanized performance of work.”

This book describes how the jobs that provide for us are becoming more automated and what this means for today's society. It outlines how people who are not educated or skilled enough to make it into a desirable job in the modern workforce, fall into a "dirty work" category which is not always seen as necessary by those in power. This book also speaks to the need for policy makers to implement policies that take care of all Americans, no matter their job.

Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America is a nonfiction book by Eyal Press. It details how the American economy has created an enormous amount of low-wage, low-skill jobs that have led to a two-tier society and increased health problems for many Americans. The book discusses how these conditions are largely ignored by mainstream economic discourse due to its focus on high-skill jobs. The author uses examples from America's history like agricultural work and domestic service.

Published Date 2021-08-31
Duration 11 hours 18 minutes
Author Eyal Press
Narrated Neil Shah
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science

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