Dating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to 'The One' Who Will Make Your Life Hell Free Audiobook Download by Megan Hunter Mba,Bill Eddy Esq., LCSW

Dating Radar is a book about how our brains can trick us into thinking that the person we are dating is the best when it's not. The author explains that this is because our brain wants to keep us safe by not letting us be alone, and will always show emotions of love and attachment even if they don't exist. She says that we should never give up on what we really want in a partner just because we are afraid to be single again and recommends using your gut instincts to know when to break up with someone.

Megan Hunter, Mba Bill Eddy, Esq., and LCSW all join forces to give you the answers to the question: "why does my brain say yes to 'the one' that will make my life hell?" The answer is more complicated than you may think. The book discusses the idea that we are biologically wired for survival and reproduction; and in doing so, we are biologically wired to be attracted to potential mates. This biological wiring can lead us on a merry-go-round of bad relationships where we attract what is easiest instead of what is best for our lives.

Dating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to 'The One' Who Will Make Your Life Hell is an ebook and audiobook about how our brains work with our emotions to make life-changing decisions. It's a fascinating read that teaches you how to recognize the red flags in dating and relationships in order to avoid getting into a bad one.

Here are some of the warning signs that your dating radar is broken: * You're always saying yes. * You find it hard to say no. * You're always on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop. * You give in too easily. And even if you do end up with a relationship that doesn't cause you to live in constant fear, it's not going to last for long because you'll have lost so much of your self-respect and self-esteem in the process.

Dating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to 'The One' Who Will Make Your Life Hell is an insightful book that offers helpful advice on how to recognize relationship red flags, how to tell if a person is right for you, and more. It's authored by Megan Hunter Mba Bill Eddy Esq., LCSW, who has over twenty years of experience as both a therapist and relationship coach. She coaches her clients to learn the signs of a toxic partner so they can avoid dating someone who will only hurt them.

Dating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to 'The One' Who Will Make Your Life Hell is a guide for dating, from the leading experts in neurobiology and psychology. The book shows that our brain is wired for love, not for happiness. Our brain has two modes of thinking about people- positive and negative. This is what makes us feel happy or unhappy when we are with someone. The authors discuss how finding the one who will make your life hell can be an evolutionary trait that helps us procreate- even if it means being miserable.

Published Date 2017-10-10
Duration 8 hours 57 minutes
Author Megan Hunter Mba, Bill Eddy Esq., LCSW
Narrated Barry Abrams
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Marriage & Family, Psychology

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