Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education Free Audiobook Download by Ken Robinson, Ph.D.,Lou Aronica

Ken Robinson, Ph.D., was the first to use the term creative schools. He talks about how creativity is a process, not an outcome; this means that we create new ideas and expand our thinking everyday. He says that what he calls "creative schools" are designed for this process of creativity. The school curriculum is based on curiosity and curiosity-based learning rather than knowledge-based learning. Learning without boundaries would enable children to feel free to think in ways that maximize their talents, but within limitations as well.

Ken Robinson, a British Professor of Education and Creativity, describes how the traditional method of educating children is not the best way to help them succeed. He goes on to explain that creativity and innovation are the most important skills for success in today's society. This is why he urges parents and schools to take a creative approach when it comes to education. One of Robinson's suggestions is making learning more accessible and compelling by incorporating more games into lessons whenever possible.

The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education, by Ken Robinson, Ph.D.'s narration was a powerful one that made for a great listen. I was able to see the struggles and growth both in my school and in world-wide education through the lens of this audiobook. The last point that caught my attention was when Dr. Robinson started talking about how students these days are finally realizing they can have more control over their learning than before. This led me to think about how this new education movement going on these days is not just something new, but it's been around for a while in different forms: with Gutenberg's printing press, Franklin's lectures, wikipedia, and many other revolutionary ways of learning.

The creative school movement is a grassroots revolution that is transforming education by putting creativity at the center of learning. This audiobook, narrated by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica, helps explain the movements' philosophy and 'creative pedagogy,' which helps students to create their own ideas in a learning environment.

Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education by Ken Robinson, Ph.D. is a book that talks about how traditional school systems are not working for many students and is encouraging educators to create new models of education in order to address these needs. In this audiobook download of the book, Ken Robinson interviewed some young people who have been impacted because of the current educational system and shared their stories with parents and teachers so they can learn from their experiences.

In Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education, Ken Robinson, Ph.D., argues that schools are too often focused on "the formulaic approach to teaching and learning." Robinson would like students to be able to learn the way they learn best – creatively. He wants educators to focus more on brain science and taking advantage of the way children learn.

Published Date 2015-05-08
Duration 8 hours 15 minutes
Author Ken Robinson, Ph.D., Lou Aronica
Narrated Ken Robinson, Ph.D.
(14 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Education

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