Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Free Audiobook Download by John Perkins

John Perkins takes listeners on a journey through his life as an economic hit man for the CIA. This audiobook tells of Perkins' early days and later progression as he moves from a job that he quickly realized was morally wrong, to one that paid him handsomely. He talks about the time period leading up to 9/11 and how the people around him were filled with fear and paranoia, yet they continued to make the same mistakes over and over again.

In the book, John Perkins speaks about his role in providing economic services for the U.S. government to countries around the world during decades of peace and prosperity. He also discusses how his ideas were not always in the best interest of these countries, but they profited from them nonetheless.

John Perkins recalls his work as an economic hit man and his time working for the World Bank. The author's goal of the book was to question the system and let people know what he really does in a day.

A must-read book for any person that wants to understand the world's economy. John Perkins tells his story of becoming an economic hit man and what he did to put a stop to it. He gives an in depth description of how the world works, but does so with clarity and conviction.

In this audiobook, John Perkins explains how 'economic hit men' are recruited to help reap benefits for the people who have resources and power by convincing the population that they need the proposed change. This is done by convincing the populace that their current state of living is not sustainable, which can lead to public outrage. The economic hit man then convinces the government to implement a plan that will help them get what they want and benefits from it.

John Perkins was an economic hit man, just like in the title of his book. He makes a killing off revolutions, wars and natural disasters by convincing nations that they need to change their minds and do what he tells them. Perkins talks about how he made billions in oil, spices and other goods that were classified as 'illegal trade' or 'shady dealings' by the IMF.

Published Date 2005-06-27
Duration 9 hours 19 minutes
Author John Perkins
Narrated Brian Emerson
(23 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Biography & Memoir
Parent Category Business

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