Black Food Matters: Racial Justice in the Wake of Food Justice Free Audiobook Download by Various

The essays in this volume explore the intersections of race, food, culture, and justice by looking at such topics as what has been called "food apartheid," "Black food" as a source of legitimacy and power, stereotypes around Black people's eating habits, and working class recovery from the recent recession.

Black Food Matters, released in 2017, is a collection of essays from authors addressing the role food plays in racial justice in America. These essays include topics such as Black and Brown diets, food deserts, the FDA's response to Hurricane Katrina and more. One of the main focuses of this book is how food has been used as a tool for oppression by powerful entities such as government agencies and corporations.

This book updated the issue of food justice to address the ongoing problem of racial injustice in America. The authors argue that food justice is not just about fighting for more access to healthy, affordable food; it is also about making sure that everyone has access to good jobs and quality education so they can make the best choices for their health and well-being.

The Black Food Matters blog is a website that discusses the ways in which food has shaped or been shaped by black people's history, identity, and culture. The book itself is comprised of articles from the site with a chapter on the difference between food justice and health justice.

This audiobook is a collection of essays and speeches from activists and scholars exploring the intersectional forces that shape our food system. African Americans face food insecurity on an everyday basis, but it does not end there. Food justice is more than just an issue of access; it is also a racial justice issue that intersects with environmental justice, economic injustice, and social inequality. From the book: "In a food world where all things are up for grabs, we must be willing to remember that so much depends on us."

Food Justice is a concept that has been articulated in relationship to the fair distribution of resources for nourishment. The current food crisis is not isolated from the larger issues of class and race, which are interrelated as a consequence of racial power relations. Black Food Matters: Racial Justice in the Wake of Food Justice narrates stories about community members involved with food justice and their personal struggles. The audiobook also includes interviews with various activists and community-based organizations.

Published Date 2021-01-26
Duration 8 hours 39 minutes
Author Various
Narrated Allyson Johnson
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Social Science, North America

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