Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being Free Audiobook Download by Shawn Achor

One of the most common criticisms of the pursuit of success is that it's too often focused on financial achievement. The author suggests that success can be found in other areas, such as health and happiness. Shawn Achor argues that "money doesn't make us happy" and he challenges readers to think about what they really want in life. He presents an interesting case study about a woman who found fulfillment in her relationships rather than her career and how she transformed her whole life by changing her view of success.

There is a saying that "Success has a price." Whether we think it or not, there are costs to be paid when pursuing success. Shawn Achor found out what those costs were by studying success and failure trends of several hundred people over the course of three years. He discovered that much like physical pain, pain in the pursuit of success can harm our happiness and well-being, but also improve other areas of our lives. For example, Achor found that when people achieved their goals, they enjoyed higher levels of life satisfaction and more time for their families. This means that some costs can be offset by benefits.

Big Potential guides you to a new understanding of how to achieve and live your best life. Shawn Achor, the author explains how success is not about what one achieves, but how one pursues it. He provides strategies on how to transform our pursuit of success into a self-fulfilling prophecy that drives happiness and well-being.

Shawn Achor is a human potential expert and the author of the book, Big Potential. In his audiobook, he discusses how success should not be the measure of happiness in a person's life. He explains that changing our minds about what we want to achieve can change our experience and well-being within a matter of days. Achor supports his argument by pointing out ways in which people have changed their pursuit from success to other things such as having kids, being an entrepreneur, or starting a business based on their passion.

The pursuit of success can be exhausting. However, Shawn Achor offers a solution in his book, Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being by telling us that we should change the way we pursue success. Specifically, we should focus on what is good for our happiness rather than solely pursuing what is good for our career.

The book was entertaining and well organized. The author had a lot of interesting ideas that were backed up with research behind them. The author also shares personal stories about his own experiences with success which helps to make the book more personal. It is important to note that this is not a self-help book, but rather it would be helpful for anyone looking to understand happiness and what leads to it.

Published Date 2018-01-30
Duration 6 hours 36 minutes
Author Shawn Achor
Narrated Shawn Achor
(8 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Management & Leadership, Career Development

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