Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close Free Audiobook Download by Ann Friedman,Aminatou Sow

I have a close friend who I had not seen in three years and it felt like she just left me yesterday. In the midst of my deep sadness, I realized that we were still able to talk to each other and even though our lives were different, we were still connected in so many ways.

The audiobook download Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close [Aminatou Sow, Ann Friedman] is a must-listen for everyone who wants to be inspired by an inspiring women telling her own story.

The podcast is a place to ask questions, hear your friends answer them and keep in touch with your community.

In a world where it is easy to feel like you don't know anyone, the idea of having a close friend to talk to seems impossible. But in this audiobook, Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow share great insights into how to keep your close friends close. They also show how it is important to make time for yourself so that you can grow and be your best self.

Ann Friedman shares the secrets to being friends with women and keeping them close. The book has a very interesting format, broken up into sections concerning how to be close as friends, parents, partners and relationships. It is also full of stories from both sides of the friendship coin.

In Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close, Ann Friedman discusses the ways in which she and her close friends keep one another close- even when far apart. The relationships that play out between these women may seem like an island of sanity, but remember that this is a memoir and that any two people can write about their friendship in their own way.

Published Date 2020-07-14
Duration 5 hours 33 minutes
Author Ann Friedman, Aminatou Sow
Narrated Aminatou Sow, Ann Friedman
(14 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Marriage & Family, Social Science, Memoir

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