Asatru: A Beginner's Guide to the Heathen Path Free Audiobook Download by Erin Lale

The book is a complete guide to the Heathen path and includes everything the beginner needs to know about Wiccan, Asatru, and Heathenism. It is written in a way that is accessible for even those who have no prior knowledge of Norse paganism or paganism in general.

The Asatru, or Heathen Path, is the religion based on a nature-based belief system that starts with the creation of the world and the gods and continues through their travels. The Asatru believe in a universal and timeless spirit, called Odin. The word 'Heathen' means "non-Christian."

This is a beginner's guide to Asatru, the Heathen Path. It was written in an easy-to-understand English language that covers the basics of what it means to be Heathen, what is worshiped, and most importantly how to get started. The book also includes a history of Asatru, as well as stories and myths related to it.

Asatru: A Beginner's Guide to the Heathen Path presents a comprehensive introduction to Asatru, or heathenism. Asatru is an ancient European belief system. The book begins with a discussion of the beliefs and practices that comprise heathenism, including cosmology, nature-worship, ethics, and mythology. In addition to discussing the philosophy of pagan life and practice as a whole, the book includes information on turning from Christianity to Asatru.

In the same way that Christianity and other religions took many different paths to talk about God, Asatru takes many different ways of explaining the Norse polytheistic/animist worldview. This is one of the most popular among them, and it is a fairly accessible introduction to Asatru for beginners.

A Guide for the new Asatru person, this audiobook is a great way to learn about this Heathen path. It has references to Norse mythology and the archetypes that are found in it. It also describes how to practice asatru with your family without major conflict or disruption.

Published Date 2020-08-01
Duration 3 hours 44 minutes
Author Erin Lale
Narrated Leslie Howard
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Naturopathy & New Age, World Religions

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