Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race Free Audiobook Download by Len Kasten
In the book, the author details how many of our world's problems stem directly from an alien invasion and their plan to control humanity. The author says that these aliens want to destroy human civilization by any means necessary.
This is a compelling book that you will not soon forget. It's an amazing story of how the world really is run by unseen forces and how, over the course of modern history, these forces have implemented plans to divide and conquer the human race. Thesis supports all conspiracy theories, including reptilian extraterrestrials, secret societies, world wars, and the banking system
After decades of research, the Allies found and destroyed a Reptilian space station that was built to create an Alien-Human hybrid and begin the domination of Earth. A few years later they are on their way back to Earth with plans to colonize it. The Allies send a distress signal out into space in hopes that someone can find them before they trigger the self-destruct mechanism.
"The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race" is an audiobook by Len Kasten. It begins with an introduction in the form of an interview between Len and a journalist. They talk about how the alien reptilian race is secretly controlling humanity, creating wars and conflicts around the world with their plan of dividing and conquering human beings into opposing camps, making them fight each other for control.
In his book, Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race, author Len Kasten puts forth a theory that sounds more like something out of science fiction than modern reality. Rooted in a philosophy of conspiracies and secrecy that has been around for millennia, the theory holds that a reptile race known as the Anunnaki have infiltrated society in order to take control of everything by splitting humanity into two separate groups: the working class and the ruling class.
Published Date | 2017-12-05 |
Duration | 9 hours 58 minutes |
Author | Len Kasten |
Narrated | Paul Costanzo |
Reviews | |
Abridged | No |
Is It Free? | 30-days Free |
Category | Health & Wellness |
Parent Category | Naturopathy & New Age, Social Science |